Combination skin care package


This care package is great for users with combination skin and uneven marks on the skin.
You can tell if you have combination skin if you have oily skin in one part of the day and dry skin on the other half. If your skin changed between seasons, then you have combination skin.

The condition of your skin may fluctuate between seasons. Your skin may feel dry during the winter months and greasy during the sultry summer season. The sebaceous glands in the T-zone are more active than the rest of the face, making it appear oily.

This package deal has 4 of Factual Natural's featured products; Raw black soap, Dead Sea clay, Rosehip Seed Oil, & Aloe Vera Oil.

R black soap for deep cleansing & getting the dirt from under the Skin.
Then the Dead Sea clay to tone the skin and even out the color. While also exfoliating the skin with the natural minerals to eliminate toxins and impurities (that caused the issue) in the skin.
Rosehip oil for moisturizing, restoring from dryness, and providing the necessary nutrients to prevent dryness from occurring again. astringent properties in rosehip help tighten your pores and lift the dark spots on your skin. And the anti-inflammatory fatty acids and vitamins A and C make rosehip great for fading any facial scars.
Aloe Vera oil to keep the skin moisturized while also repairing the skin back to normal. Plus suppressing possible inflammation of bump, rashes and sensitive break outs.
